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Without the dream the creator is lost.

To dream is an essential part of creating. That is why the dreamers are among the most valuable attributes of our community. We want to raise awareness of this through Shockholms Dreams.

We welcome you to share your dream so we can start living that dream together!

The parade dreamer

Here, anyone can send in a dream they want realized in the Halloween Parade. Every year there are new dreamers on board with new awesome contributions. If you have a dream for the parade, please be a part of this incredible fun.

The community dreamer

Do you have a dream that is so big it takes a tribe? Well, we want to help you make your dream become a reality. Through volunteers and hard work, we can assist crazy yet realistic dreamers.

Active Parade Dreams

Pan Demoniums Kljan

The dream is to have anyone who wants to be part of the Pan Demoniums Kljan improv music ‘plot’ show up at Kungsträdgården 30 minutes before open (15:00) so we can work out some simple beats and melodies take it from there! ANY INSTRUMENTS are welcome! LEADER: Manfred Färdig, Budget: NONE, just members!

Grafitti Monsters

I dream to give the artists that together have created Snösätra Gränd the opportunity to show their talent at Shockholm, and show the incredible community value that lies in this art form.

DREAMER: David Hellstrom

Bats In Belfry

The dream is to have one actor and one project leader to help us clear and place Bat - Man or Woman in this window lit from somewhere near.  It is the German Church.  We need approval.  Will you help?  Budget: 4,000kr

Freaky Flash Mob

The dream is to find a dance studio or instructor that would like to teach a routine to anyone who wants to be part of a Flash Mob (We already have 20 volunteers) LOCATION: Central Stockholm ANYONE is welcome! LEADER: Blanche Neige Budget: Funded!

Parade of Lights

The dream is to hand out lights for participants to carry along the parade route! This is part of the SHOCKHOLM Parade ‘Shock O Way’ experience. LEADER: Tiffany Donner

Budget: 25,000

The Haunted Hideway

The dream is to have actors in a haunted hallway on the day of the parade. One project leader to help us with setup and decorations. Two volunteers to help with entry and exit. Will you help? Budget: 10,000kr

***Have a Dream? Fryshuset does have funding to enable young people to realize their idéas/projects. It’s up to 5000sek, and as long as the one applying for it is below 25. Here’s a link (in Swedish) There’s also a couple of other links that you should check out if you are interested.,, and